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Spin that record babe, ♥

The Girl ♥

She believes that a smile goes a long way!
She goes with the flow...



Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Chew Chew
Da Bing
Shi Ying
Hai Tun
Wu Chun
Jia Yan

The Past.

January 2007
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Please do not remove the credits


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I did it once...and I did it again~

What I thought was just a minor twist of my leg, resulted is major pain and I couldn't walk!!
It's amazing how things change in just a few hours~

Went to have Tau Huay with twangy,del and mitchy had a slip due to uneven road...
I could still walk into the shop, eat tau huay, walk to hail a cab, walk home and it didn't hurt bad..

Just a few hours later when I was sleeping it hurt like crazy!!
You know when you watch tv and there is this person who is in pain but couldn't express it~

That was how I felt, I was in major pain, I couldn't walk out of my room, I didn't want to shout real loud for help from my room that would scare too many people and might wake my neighbours~
I just laid in bed and cried and force myself to sleep~

When I figured it was about 7am and mum would be waking up...I hopped to her room and told her it hurts like crazy~ I couldn't even place my feet on the ground and apply tiny bit of pressure~

I've sprained,twisted,fractured and even tore a ligament!! But this is the first time it actually hurt so bad...and when I told the family it hurts, they all took me very seriously, coz I've never said it hurts....

Oh well...back from the hospital and I got a new best friend with me "Crutches" is his name.
He'll be staying by my side 24/7 till my feet doesn't hurt anymore~

Just 22years of my life and I bought my 2nd set of crutches!! Try beating that!!
And only a few months ago I threw away my old crutches and told mum :" Don't keep lar, so inauspicious. Won't need it in the future"

I was wrong....wrong...wrong...

Danced at 9:41 PM

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dear Legs,

I know sometimes I've been bad to you. Torture you by standing for too long or kill you by wearing ridiculously uncomfortable shoes. I know I haven't been the best person to treat you well, but I do let you enjoy the fine life~ I bring you to people who knows how to treat you well, clean you up, massage you comfortably.

But why do you have to do this to me?? It's painful and embarrassing, I admit my mistake and will try my best to wear better shoes....but please stop doing this!
I need to stop falling down and scrapping my knee!!!!
I've been falling down every week for the past 4 weeks!!!!!!

I really love you,

Danced at 2:39 AM